• Rsa case, the Trivulzio replica: deaths in line with those of 2019


April 7, 2020 "The ministry envoys will ask for detailed information and verify all the documents, also making use of the help of the Nas" said Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri. On the case of Pio Albergo Trivulzio "I would wait for the conclusions of the inspectors and investigations - he adds - one thing is certain: where there are fragility and critical issues in the RSA there are more risks and it is right to go and check. And Milan is not the only case in Italy: there are similar situations near Catanzaro, in Sicily and Lazio. I do not indicate just one place, we are checking on the carpet. I spoke yesterday with the Nas commander, their control actions in the RSA were prior to Covid, so now there is an intensification, but to pronounce on what happened in Milan I would wait for the inspectors' reports "he says to Radio Capital, the deputy minister of health after the decision to send the inspectors to the health facility for the elderly.

Milan prosecutor investigates the infections
The investigations opened by the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office on cases of contagions from Coronavirus in the Milanese health care homes, where dozens of the elderly are dead and many workers are ill. Among the various files already open in recent days, due to the culpable spread of epidemics and crimes in the field of occupational safety, also that, as had already been known on April 2, born from the complaints of workers of the historic Pio Albergo Trivulzio, where in the month of 70 elders died in March.