Two years ago Robin reported a rape. In "The Trails of the Rape", she talks about the incident.

- I was on my way home from a party night and went home in a car. I woke up by the driver raping me, he was a completely unknown person to me, ”she says.

The track hedging initiative in Robin's case was handled cautiously by the police and she herself could not identify any perpetrator. This led to the investigation being closed.

- We didn't find it. It did not appear in the investigation, says the preliminary investigator about Robin's track hedging kit.

Get convictions

According to the Crime Prevention Council, BRÅ, about five percent of all rapes reported result in a conviction.

In the documentary, several girls tell how they have also been subjected to abuse. One of them is Hanna who points out how important she thinks it is to dare to report.

- The more people who share their stories, the heavier we weigh - the more important the question becomes.

Footnote: The women in the article are really named something else.

See more in SVT's documentary "The Rape Track" on SVT Play.