• Coronavirus. Cdm approves "Cura Italia" decree. Conte: "Powerful maneuver, 350 billion are activated"
  • Coronavirus. Approved by the Cdm maxi-decree 'Cura-Italia'
  • Coronavirus, the CDM slips on Monday morning


April 06, 2020 100% guarantee for loans up to € 25,000, without any assessment of merit; six years for returning the money; bureaucratic simplifications for a rapid credit disbursement: these are some of the contents of the dl for liquidity to companies that arrives today in the CDM. It will also contain the rules for postponing tax deadlines and the Golden Power shield to avoid raids on Italian strategic companies. The CDM, which will also address the school node, the postponement of the administrative elections and the probable postponement of the closure of the courts until May 3, is expected this morning. For a pre-summit, Prime Minister Conte brought together the heads of delegation of the majority parties with the Minister of Economy Gualtieri and the Undersecretary of the Presidency of the Council Fraccaro for a pre-summit.

Guarantee to companies
The decree for business support that is about to arrive in the Council of Ministers provides that Sace is to grant the guarantee to companies. "In order to ensure the necessary liquidity to companies based in Italy, affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, other than banks and other entities authorized to exercise credit, Sace SpA grants guarantees until 31 December 2020, in accordance with the European legislation on state aid and in compliance with the criteria and conditions set out in paragraphs 2 to 11, in favor of banks, national and international financial institutions and other entities authorized to exercise credit in Italy, for loans in any form to the aforementioned companies, "reads the draft decree, still subject to change. The commitments undertaken by Sace "do not exceed the maximum total amount of 200 billion euros, of which at least 30 billion are intended to support small and medium-sized enterprises", including "self-employed workers and self-employed VAT holders, who have fully used their ability to access the Fund "of the law of 23 December 1996, n. 662. The guarantee is issued by December 31, 2020, for loans of a duration not exceeding 6 years, with the possibility for companies to take advantage of a pre-amortization lasting up to 24 months, and "the amount of the loan supported as a guarantee it does not exceed the greater of the following elements - it can still be read in the draft -: 1) 25% of the company's annual turnover for 2019, as resulting from the approved financial statements or from the certified data if the company has not yet approved the financial statements; 2) twice the personnel costs of the company for 2019, as resulting from the latest financial statements or from the certified data if the company has not yet approved the financial statements; if the company has started its business subsequently at 31 December 2018, reference is made to the personnel costs expected for the first two years of activity, as documented and attested by the company's legal representative ". The guarantee covers "90% of the loan amount for companies with less than 5000 employees in Italy and turnover value up to € 1.5 billion; 80% of the loan amount for companies with turnover value between 1, 5 billion and 5 billion euros or with more than 5000 employees in Italy; 70% for companies with a turnover value of over 5 billion ".

Discounts for first home
Terms for first home tax breaks suspended until 31 December 2020. The deadlines, reads in the draft, "for the purpose of recognizing the tax credit for the repurchase of the first house, are suspended in the period between 23 February 2020 and 31 December 2020". These terms will return from next year. In particular, the suspension concerns the 18-month term from the purchase of the first house, within which the taxpayer must transfer the residence to the municipality where the home is located and the one-year term within which the taxpayer who has sold the property purchased with the first home benefits must proceed with the purchase of another property to be assigned to their main home, required in order not to forfeit the original benefit in the event of sales occurring within 5 years of purchase. Furthermore, the one-year term is suspended within which the taxpayer who has purchased a property to be used as a main home must proceed with the sale of the home still in his possession. The deadline for the repurchase of the first house is also extended for the purpose of using the tax credit.

Relief expenditure on masks
Tax credit also on the purchase of masks and other personal protective equipment. This is provided by a draft of the dl for business credit expected today in the CDM. The provision extends "the types of expenses admitted to the tax credit attributed for the costs of sanitizing environments and work tools" including those relating to the purchase of personal protective equipment (such as, for example, surgical masks, Ffp2 and Ffp3, gloves, protective visors and protective goggles, protective suits and shoes), or the purchase and installation of other safety devices designed to protect workers from accidental exposure to biological agents or to guarantee the interpersonal safety distance (such as, for example, barriers and protective panels) ", reads the report to the decree. It also includes hand cleaners and disinfectants. The tax credit is attributed to each beneficiary, up to a maximum amount of 20,000 euros , to the extent of 50 percent of the expenses incurred up to December 31, 2020, and in any case within the spending limit set at 50 million euros.