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April 05, 2020 "The most important message to give to our citizens has been at home as much as possible. And if there is a need to go out, for work or to do the shopping, respect the safety rules. We are asking our people a great sacrifice, I am aware of it, but this is the only way. The more we respect the rules, the sooner we will get out of the emergency ". Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte says it in an interview with Nbc News.

"Right now - says Conte - I cannot say when the lockdown will end. We are following the indications of the scientific committee, but Italy was the first nation to face the emergency. Our response may not have been perfect, but we did our best on the basis of our knowledge. The validity of our measures is recognized by the World Health Organization and the results indicate that we are on the right track ".

"It is strategic - continues the Prime Minister - that all conflicts in the world stop. Italy strongly supports the appeal made by the UN secretary general for a global ceasefire. It is time for all parties to conflict stop fighting and fight together against the enemy "Covid-19.