Paris (AFP)

Mosques "take advantage" of the confinement to sound through the loudspeakers the call to prayer, said on Saturday the president of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, denouncing "a new escalation in the illegal occupation of the public domain by audio means".

"For some time, a number of mosques have taken advantage of the confinement orders and the grabbing of the security forces to make the muezzin's call to Islamic prayer ring out in public spaces," writes Ms. Le Pen in an "open letter" to the Minister of the Interior, sent to the press.

Marine Le Pen cites the mosques of Lyon and Valentigney (Doubs). "We are thus witnessing a new escalation in the illegal occupation of the public domain by sound through groups seeking to seize any opportunity to reject the principles of secularism of our Republic and, thus, openly challenge the republican state", affirms she.

"Unless we let the country drift towards situations that will be more and more difficult to control, it is no longer possible to look elsewhere," said the member for Pas-de-Calais.

She urges Christophe Castaner "to put an end to this noise pollution by strict and rapid application of the law and if necessary by legal proceedings".

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