(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) Qingming will launch "cloud offering sweep" service in Duoqiao Township

China News Agency, Beijing, April 3 (Li Mingyang and Ma Xiuxiu) Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, many places in China have announced the suspension of various commemorative and sacrifice activities during the Qingming period this year, and suggested that overseas folks postpone returning to their homes to scan graves. In view of this, Duoqiao Township has launched a "cloud offering sweep" and "sacrifice offering sweep" service to meet the needs of overseas compatriots.

On April 2nd, the staff of the service group for the sacrifice service of the People's Cemetery in Babaoshan, Beijing. The Qingming Festival is approaching, and the Babaoshan area in Beijing is welcoming one after another. Different from previous years, affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, online appointments, time-sharing sacrifice scans, and sacrifice scan services have become new features of Qingming Festival sacrifice scans in Beijing this year. Photo by China Press Agency Han Haidan

Beijing's online festival offering service platform has been opened. You can log in to the window of the capital, the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau or the official website of each district government, and click on the Qingming Festival online festival offering. The platform provides online offering services such as sending messages, offering flowers and lighting candles.

Under the epidemic situation, many cities in Guangdong have also announced the suspension of sacrifice activities during the Qingming period. A few days ago, the "Cloud Sacrifice Scanning" service in the WeChat mini program of "Guangdong Province Affairs" was launched to facilitate mass reflection and online sacrifice.

Among them, Jiangmen City has opened an online sacrifice and sweeping platform, and funeral service agencies will provide free and simple flower sacrifice services for the people. Conditional funeral service agencies will also be organized by staff to hold centralized charity sacrifice services, hanging yellow ribbons and other activities; Foshan Many cemeteries have launched services such as free flower sacrifice, small program sacrifice, and other services to meet the needs of people's memory.

In the hometown of overseas Chinese Fujian, the Fuzhou Civil Affairs Bureau and Fuzhou Funeral and Interment Association jointly launched the "Qingming Memorial" online sacrifice and sweeping platform. At present, the platform has three online sacrifice sweeping methods for sages and martyrs, relatives and friends, and proxy sweeping. Personal memorials can be established online.

Volunteer Squad of Civilization Ritual and Sweeping Service in Chang'an Village, Tingjiang Town, Mawei District, Fuzhou City, provides the "Sacrifice Sweep" service. After accepting the commission, volunteers can help clean up the dust, dedicate flowers, etc., and broadcast live through the WeChat video. Overseas Chinese who need it can make appointments through the appointment service for Qingming Festival in each village (community).

Funeral service units such as funeral homes, business cemeteries, and town columbariums in Zhejiang Province will also provide free online sacrifice scan services by establishing official websites and opening WeChat public accounts. At the same time, the staff of the funeral service unit can provide "sacrifice sweeping" services such as free dedication of flowers, and village public welfare cemeteries and ashes halls can be sacrificed by village team members.

Wencheng Yuhu Town, Wencheng has launched a "cloud sacrificial offering" service. Overseas Chinese who are unable to return to their hometown entrust their hometown "sacrifice sacrifices" to help clean the ancestors' tombs, present flowers, send messages, worship services, etc., and watch the whole process through the WeChat video .

The "Online Cloud Festival Scanning" in Ruian City is launched, and users can create memorials online and send their grief by presenting flowers to the deceased, leaving messages and praying. The creator can also send a link to the memorial address to friends and relatives through the "Invite relatives and friends" function.

The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hainan Province recently issued a "letter to overseas Chinese of Qiong nationality", suggesting that folks should use special methods such as online ancestor worship and home memory to remember their ancestors.

Haikou ’s “Online Sacrifice Channel” has recently been opened. You can log on to the “Online Sacrifice” module on the homepage of the official website of the Haikou Civil Affairs Bureau to perform sacrifices on the Internet. (Finish)