Faced with the coronavirus epidemic, the European Union is mobilizing, mainly on an economic and financial level. Friday on Europe 1, the president of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen called for "a strong response to the coronavirus".


The European Union is stepping up initiatives to combat the economic consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic. The European Commission announced Thursday the establishment of a temporary financial instrument of 100 billion euros to guarantee the sustainability of short-time working plans within the EU. "I believe it is essential that we rely today on a European budget which is a strong response to the coronavirus and a kind of Marshall plan to secure our future," said Ursula von der Leyen, president. from the European Commission on Friday in an exclusive interview with Europe 1.

"The most powerful instrument of European solidarity is our budget"

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"We anticipate an economic response, a powerful response," she added. To do this, "the most powerful instrument of European solidarity is our budget which is accepted by all members", she said. The President of the Commission also praised a "transparent" and "excellent" tool to promote "investment" and "cohesion".

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"We have tried to free up cash"

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Ursula von der Leyen also praised the measures taken so far by the European Union to deal with the economic and financial consequences of the health crisis: "We tried to free up liquidity by relaxing our very strict rules which followed the Maastricht Treaty, so that countries can invest massive amounts of liquidity in their economies. "


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"Essential to appease these divisions"

While member states are now tearing themselves apart on the issue of debt pooling, illustrated by the disputed possibility of corona bonds , Ursula von der Leyen finally considered "essential to ease these divisions between member states."