The Department of Health - Abu Dhabi announced the launch of a new application on smart phones to ensure that the people who demanded the home stone adhere to the instructions for the stone, and not to contact other people during the quarantine period to protect them, protect society and realize the benefits of home quarantine, to limit the spread of the Covid virus - 19

Through the “stay home” application, the department seeks to remain aware of the location of people during the mandatory home quarantine, and to determine their locations and ensure that the conditions of the quarantine are not violated, as each person who is required to quarantine himself in the house will obtain a username and password to be able to Application Usage. The application sends alerts to patients with quarantine patients, to verify that they are within the range of movement allowed during the quarantine period.

And the department indicated that if a person was asked to quarantine himself at home, download the Stayh Home application by visiting the Google Play website or the App Store website, download the program to his phone, open the application and log in using the password and password That will be provided to them by the competent authorities, and allow the application access to the camera phone, location and microphone in order to ensure the application works optimally.

The user will receive alerts by the Department of Health in order to confirm his use of the application, click on the alerts that you receive and open the application to complete the entry process, and in the messages section click on the photo capture field where the person takes the photo for himself and confirm the entry.