Britain's Prince Charles talked for the first time about the suffering he suffered while suffering from the emerging coronavirus "Covid 19", and he said in a video published by the British newspaper "Daily Mail" and the English version of Sky News, that his experience of the epidemic was strange, frustrating and sad.

Prince 71-year-old Prince Charles, in his video after recovering from Corona virus infection, praised workers in the UK emergency services, and this is Prince Charles's first video since he came out of isolation last Monday.

Prince Charles said in the video: "Fortunately, the symptoms I suffered from were relatively mild, and given that we were all learning, this was a strange, frustrating, and painful experience where there was no family and friends."

He added: "In such an unprecedented time and anxiety in all our lives, my wife and I especially think about all those who have lost loved ones in such difficult and extraordinary circumstances, and in those who suffer from disease, isolation and loneliness."