We report on the recommendations of the Public Health Authority and other expert authorities that are of great importance to all of us. We talk about politicians' efforts and decisions to meet the crisis in which the country is in. We report on the consequences for the elderly, for health care and for the economy.

SVT has given experts and experts in science, medicine and epidemiology considerable room in broadcasts and on svt.se. This is so that they can explain, deepen and answer the questions that many viewers and readers have.

Our reporting is followed by a large audience and the commitment to what we highlight and how we do it is huge. Many people get in touch with comments and tips. We are praised for reviewing well, but we have on some occasions also received some criticism for being too harsh in tone and questions.

The feedback from you in the audience is important to us. We have a heavy responsibility to find the right tonality, to report objectively and not further upset the concerns that already exist.

But the mission of journalists is not just to represent the authorities and politicians' decisions. We will ask critical questions so that it becomes even clearer what the considerations are behind important decisions. We shall give those interviewed the opportunity to present their strongest arguments. We will highlight the consequences of the decisions.

We are in the midst of a serious social crisis that strikes very hard against many. We already have a large number of sick and dead. The elderly are forced to isolate themselves from loved ones. Many lose jobs and livelihoods. Care and care are put to the test.

A crucial factor in a social crisis of this magnitude is that the media adheres to its basic mission: to manage comprehensive reporting quickly and accurately, but also to critically review and demand accountability.