Ludovic's mother is placed in an Ehpad and has been the victim of abuse. Recently, the Ehpad did not notify Ludovic that his mother, who had respiratory failure, had been transferred to the CHU. Ludovic warns of this negligence and the lack of hygiene in the nursing home, at the microphone of "La Libre antenne", on Europe 1.


Ludovic's mother is 69 years old and suffers from a degenerative disease. The latter was placed in Ehpad, where she suffered passive neglect. Receiving no help with food, she ate with her fingers. Ludovic learned that his mother, who had respiratory failure, had been transferred to the CHU, but the Ehpad did not alert him. This son alerted to these acts of neglect at the microphone of "La Libre antenne", on Europe 1.

>> Listen to Ludovic's testimony in full here

"I learned this morning that my mother is in respiratory insufficiency. The nursing home where my mother is, did not report it to me. I was not alerted. I am her son, the minimum would have been contact me to tell me that she is about to die. It's intolerable, it's inhuman. I learned about it from my cousin. She tried to call the Ehpad. She is her aunt, There is a family connection. We could have told her that it was wrong, that she was going to die. We are in a state of uncertainty.

" She ate with her hands "

I alerted that there was a lack of hygiene in the nursing home in 2018. My mother was abused. She suffered passive neglect, that is to say a lack of food aid. My brother sent me a photo of my mom. She ate with her hands. There were 150,000 shares and 50,000 comments on Facebook. People supported me and said, 'It is intolerable to see your mother in this deplorable state'.

Her clothes, her sheets, everything was crumpled. The baseboards are full of dust. There is only one soap for two residents in the same room. There is only one fan for two people. It's not normal. She pays 2,000 euros a month. We're going to mortgage her house. We are in a more than alarming situation. No one is helping me. I alerted on the situation since 2018. The regional health agency said that there was no abuse because his blood test was impeccable. It is not true.

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She is only 69 years old. It's young. She can die overnight. She has a degenerative disease, Korsakoff's disease. She will not recover. She no longer recognizes me, she no longer recognizes anyone. Damn it. I am his son. We have to alert the kids first. She has been transferred to the CHU for maybe a month and I don't even know it. I do not have any news. My mother may have died, I don't even know. She's going to die and we're not going to alert me. I am sure of it. "