China, April 1. According to the US "World Daily", affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the business in Oakland Chinatown dropped by more than 50% on average, and merchants have tried to deal with it. To reduce the spread of the virus, many supermarkets require customers to wear masks and disposable gloves to enter shopping. There is also a suspension of supermarket operations, allowing customers to order food in advance and pick it up the next day.

Wang Kee Supermarket on Chinatown 7th Street is very popular in Chinatown. The store has posted a notice saying: "As the epidemic is getting worse, in order to protect employees and the surrounding neighborhoods, after careful consideration, we have made difficult decisions The supermarket will be temporarily closed from March 30 (Monday). Purchases can be made by phone and agreed to pick up the exact time (due to the limited manpower, please do not place too scattered goods), when the epidemic situation is well controlled We look forward to seeing you again. "

Wang Liu, the proprietor of Wang Kee Supermarket, said on March 30 that the suspension of business is a last resort. Supermarkets have been doing well in the past. After the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the Bay Area, the supermarkets have also taken many measures to prevent it. For example, all employees wear masks and disposable gloves, wipe the door handles, shopping carts and other places where customers can easily reach with a lot of disinfectant, and spray disinfectant in the air just in case.

David said that as the epidemic heats up, disinfection measures will inevitably be neglected, and if confirmed cases occur, other contacts will be isolated, creating unnecessary trouble. To be on the safe side, it was decided to cease operations. On the 30th, David also carefully cleaned the truck and wiped the steering wheel and door handles without leaving any dead spots.

David said that the supermarket has set up a WeChat group and posted a QR code on a prominent place at the door to allow customers to join the group. Order the required goods in advance the first day, and pick them up the next day. On the 30th, at least 50 people took delivery. In order to reduce the workload, the supermarket can only reduce the number of certain dishes at present. Good service community. "

The reporter visited and found that several Chinese supermarkets on the 10th and 8th streets of Auckland's Chinatown posted notices saying that all customers entering should wear masks to shop to reduce the possibility of virus transmission. A supermarket worker on 8th Street said customers can also buy masks in the supermarket just in case.