
March 31, 2020 The Marriott hotel in Rome, in via Moscati, a few steps from Covid Hospital 2 Columbus, will be used for the Coronavirus emergency and will host low-care patients. The Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D'Amato, explained it a little while ago, together with the President Giovanni Raimondi and the General Manager, Marco Elefanti of the Polyclinic University Foundation Agostino IRCCS.

The Marriott, explained the director of the Gemelli University Polyclinic Foundation Marco Elefanti, during a press point at the foot of the hotel, makes available 162 places "for patients with severe respiratory diseases, which require prolonged periods of assistance in a hospital-type regime and This will allow early resignation through this lighter and intermediate assistance. Here, however, basic nursing care will be guaranteed - added the manager - and a telemonitoring system with an operations center, which we manage by our pulmonologists. saturation, temperature and pressure, and small local mobility will also be required in the patient to understand the response in terms of respiratory capacity. The medical staff will make two daily accesses, which can still intervene. It is very close to Columbus and Gemini, which helps - he underlined - The catering and cleaning services will be or guaranteed by the Marriott, giving maximum protection. Regarding costs there is an agreement with the Region. We have a direct relationship with the hotel, and the Region will recognize a daily rate of assistance to cover all costs. The order of magnitude is around 100-110 euros per patient per day - concluded Elephants - then there are the charges for making the swabs, which are separate ".

After the Marriott, thanks to an agreement with Federalberghi, other hotels in Rome and Lazio will be made available to the health system. The Marriott hotel will be operational tomorrow and available for the transfer of positive patients for observation and symptomatic who cannot quarantine at home. Two hotels, in addition to the Marriott, are already operational: one on Laurentina and the other in Ipogeo degli Ottavi for a total of 130 places already occupied.