At the beginning of the year, the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia in the country, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese were loyal to their ancestors, and they donated generously to the ancestors. Today, the domestic epidemic has been basically controlled, but the overseas epidemic has spread and spread, and overseas compatriots are taking active action again to help the "second hometown" fight the epidemic.

Under the epidemic situation, some people said: "China played in the first half, the world played in the second half, and overseas Chinese played the whole game." During the whole "war epidemic", overseas compatriots have been running and busy.

The first half: devoted to the "war" with the motherland

In times of crisis, the hearts of the Chinese children are united! When the epidemic started in China, many overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese adjusted the biological clock to "Beijing time" and acted quickly to send blessings and donations ...

During the outbreak, the Chinese Lunar New Year, but overseas Chinese compatriots did not delay the holiday because of the holiday or jet lag.

Data map: On February 5, the staff unloaded the materials donated by the overseas Chinese and Chinese enterprises from the plane. Photo by Li Chenyun of China News Agency

After the epidemic, medical protective supplies in many places in Hubei were in a hurry. Overseas Chinese came to Hubei, where the epidemic was most severe, in a variety of ways, such as donating and raising supplies. A sum of money and boxes said "Wuhan! Come on in Hubei! Come on in China! "Aid materials from all over the world, carrying the concerns of overseas Chinese, were sent to all parts of Hubei through various channels.

An overseas Chinese living in Croatia stated that in order to help the country fight against the epidemic, the local overseas Chinese put down their business and even closed the store factories they operated, and voluntarily contacted overseas manufacturers to purchase masks, protective clothing and other donations to return to China.

"Although we actively donate and contact the purchase of materials overseas, although they are very ordinary things, we all work together and hope that we can survive it soon." Said the chairman of the British Shanxi Chamber of Commerce Wang Yizheng. .

Data map: On February 4, a batch of medical materials raised by the Yunnan General Chamber of Commerce in Australia and the Yunnan Fellowship in Yunnan Australia arrived in Kunming and donated to the Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control, the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province, and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Yunnan Province. Photo by China News Agency reporter Liu Ranyang

Despite the impact of the epidemic, many overseas-funded enterprises have come forward, and some business leaders have generously contributed to help fight the epidemic.

Yu Peng, Executive Vice President of the China Overseas Chinese Merchants Association, first invested more than 10 million yuan to help the frontline of the epidemic; Heren Charity Foundation, initiated by the Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Overseas Chinese Merchants Association and Chairman of Fuyao Group, Cao Dewang, announced the donation of 100 million yuan The RMB is specifically used to support Hubei Province (70 million yuan) and Fujian Province (30 million yuan) to fight the epidemic ... The number of donations and the amount of donated materials are constantly rising.

Concentrate on the times and overcome the difficulties! Overseas Chinese businessmen support the fight against the "epidemic". This is too precious ...

Despite being in a foreign country, the overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese have a sincere heart for their homeland. One ton of materials and a lot of love reflect the deep feelings of compatriots, and the feelings of the Chinese nation overseas, who are breathing with the motherland and sharing the same fate.

Midfield: No rest, actively cooperate with locals to do epidemic prevention work

The ancestral (home) country and the country of residence are destined to be a concern that overseas Chinese can't let go! While overseas, the overseas Chinese are helping each other while helping themselves, actively cooperate with the local in epidemic prevention, and affect their friends with their own behavior, hoping to attract more attention.

At the beginning of the severe situation of overseas epidemic situation, compared with the optimistic locals, overseas overseas Chinese are generally more aware of the crisis. They started to prepare protective materials such as masks and disinfectants early, and began to hoard silently a few weeks before the supermarket boom. goods.

Many overseas Chinese have set up volunteer groups, and many overseas Chinese groups have launched initiatives to remind overseas Chinese to pay attention to epidemic prevention and provide help within their ability.

On February 15, local time, a group of medical protective materials such as protective clothing and goggles donated by the Fudan University Toronto Alumni Association and the local Chinese overseas in Toronto completed the procedures at the Toronto International Airport and will be sent to Wuhan, Shanghai and other places. Photo by Yu Ruidong of China News Agency

In Italy alone, dozens of overseas Chinese missions and more than 30 overseas Chinese leaders joined spontaneous emergency response and emergency response teams, and many chambers of commerce also allocated funds to help overseas Chinese living in difficulties to reduce stress and solve problems.

Luo Jian, chairman of the China-French Family Federation, introduced that during the epidemic, the China-French Family Federation paid attention to the physical and mental health of its members from various aspects: detailed statistics of returning members and telling everyone to consciously isolate them; reminding everyone to do a good job in personal protection and reduce outings On the basis of this, the epidemic situation should be viewed with the usual mentality and local regulations should be followed.

The All-Japan Overseas Chinese Association has issued a proposal through Chinese media, calling on all overseas Chinese in Japan to start with themselves and work together with the Japanese people to prevent and control the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

Some overseas Chinese actively set up mutual assistance groups, psychological mutual assistance groups, and free medical treatment groups of traditional Chinese medicine ... and some overseas Chinese groups purchase medical supplies such as masks and disinfectants and distribute them to members of the overseas Chinese groups for free.

On March 24, in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, medical staff used machines to formulate traditional Chinese medicine. These medicines will be sent overseas after being boxed, helping overseas Chinese to fight the epidemic. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wei Liang

As the overseas epidemic sounded the alarm, overseas Chinese communities in the world played the role of condensing overseas Chinese, and took an active action to do a good job in preventing the overseas Chinese. This "war epidemic" is destined to have no intermission.

The second half: "If you keep it, then help it" to help the "second hometown" fight the epidemic

As the overseas epidemic accelerated, the second half officially started.

The epidemic situation in the host country is serious now, and many overseas Chinese who donated money and materials to the country in the early stage have once again taken an active role in contributing to the "second hometown" in fighting the epidemic and making Chinese voices.

Faced with the shortage of supplies in the country, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese have overcome their serious problems and actively invested in actions to help purchase materials.

In France, in order to help the French medical system to alleviate the serious shortage of medical supplies, the overseas Chinese scholars in France actively support the French fight against the epidemic. Chinese businessmen in the Greater Paris area donated the first batch of 100,000 masks to the Paris Regional Council.

New crown pneumonia continues to rag in New York, and many law enforcement officers fighting on the front lines are infected. Many Chinese businesses and individuals donate epidemic prevention supplies to police stations to send warmth to everyone.

All walks of life in Chinatown in San Francisco, including political circles, community service agencies and medical groups, announced the establishment of the "Chinese Community Epidemic Prevention Alliance", which will disseminate information about the epidemic situation of Chinese communities and answer questions.

Under the current epidemic, Australia's most demanding daily necessities are toilet paper. Sydney Chinese entrepreneur Wei Zhaoqi plans to send 1 million rolls of toilet paper to charity within two weeks to solve the people's urgent needs. And said that if necessary, will consider implementing a new donation plan in April.

Everyone picked up firewood and the flames were high. Overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese actively helped the people living in the country and donated money and materials. It was no different than "giving charcoal in the snow" for those who could not buy the epidemic prevention materials.

In Italy, a group of Chinese medical staff have voluntarily established voluntary organizations to provide public welfare consultations to local citizens, use professional knowledge to help them better understand the epidemic situation, and psychiatrists have also opened counseling services to alleviate people's panic.

The picture shows a medical mask donated by Hungarian overseas Chinese. Photo by Wei Jianjun

Some Chinese spontaneous organizations also translated the Chinese version of the new crown pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan into a German version and forwarded it to doctors in hospitals across Germany so that they could refer to China's practical experience in fighting the epidemic.

In addition, there are many medical staff of Chinese descent who have gone back to the front line of the war epidemic. They are the most beautiful "retrograde".

Singaporean Chinese shopkeeper Lu Wenlong closed shrimp noodle business and returned to the nurse position to help the medical frontline fight the epidemic together;

Malaysian Chinese doctor Yaw Yaw (net name) expressed his true feelings on the "frontline of epidemic resistance": "Frankly I am really afraid and I am also afraid of being infected, but I am a doctor and just want to do my best Responsibility……

Such touching examples are numerous. Daai is beautiful and retrograde in the disaster. While doing their best to protect themselves, everyone is working together to start another round of "killing" with the virus!

In this global arena of epidemic prevention, the figures of overseas Chinese running around are glowing in all corners.

Fighting against the virus, overseas Chinese are not alone because their home country has never been absent.

With the continuous development of the new crown pneumonia epidemic worldwide, China ’s domestic overseas Chinese affairs department has provided practical help to overseas Chinese by assisting in opening online hospitals, donating anti-epidemic materials, and guiding epidemic prevention through WeChat groups.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang emphasized: "Diplomacy for the people" will always be the purpose and important task of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad. The five-star red flag will always fly high in the Chinese embassies and consulates abroad. The motherland will always be the strongest of the overseas compatriots. backing.

This "war epidemic" is not over yet. We pay tribute to overseas Chinese and hope everyone will be safe, braver and stronger in the epidemic.

Source: Information Times, People's Daily, China News Network, People's Daily Overseas Edition, etc.

Author: History of the word