• Borrelli's appeal: "Do not abandon pets, do not transmit coronavirus"


March 30, 2020 Are pets contagious? Is there a boom in abandonment going on? Do animals have to be cleaned after the walk? And still do you have to bathe your pets more often? In recent days, several fake news reports have circulated, not least the need to wash dogs' paws with the use of bleach. This is news that can be extremely harmful to animals and for this reason the National Animal Protection Authority has decided to indicate what harmful behaviors to be wary of, denying the most common hoaxes.

Are pets contagious? False!
The World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health have reiterated this in several official communications that pets do not transmit Covid-19 and are not receptive.

Is there a boom in abandonments? False.
Fortunately, there is no boom in abandonment. The problem is adoptions, a bit slow, due to the difficulties of movement of people.

Do we have to bathe our pets often? False.
Washing takes away the dog's sebum, a very important layer of defense that prevents erythema, redness. Bathing should be done about four times a year, not every month. The use of specific soaps for animals is also fundamental.

Should we clean the paws after the walk? True.
Although there are conflicting opinions on the topic, it can be a good habit to clean the paws when returning from the walk. Like? The ideal would be to prepare a bowl of warm water (not too hot or damage) with some dog soap or baking soda inside. Absolutely DO NOT use bleach or human soaps. Immerse the legs and then make sure to dry them well with a fresh and clean towel, to be changed every time. For the laziest you can also use the sanitizing wipes for animals on your return, even if, with immersion, it is certainly easier and faster to clean thoroughly.

Is getting the dog out every time we want to walk is good? False.
Obviously each dog has different skills and characteristics so in this case the advice is not to change the dog's habits before the quarantine, then if he goes out once more nothing happens, but it is important not to upset his habits.

Is taking the dog for a walk from the balcony a good idea?
Several videos of people were shot who, in order not to leave the house, are lowering the dog from the balcony. It is absolutely unacceptable behavior! And anyone who decides to do such a foolish thing can face a complaint!

Carla Rocchi, national president of Enpa: "Fake news have now become a daily enemy to fight and, when they have animals as their object, they can even prove lethal. For this reason, like Enpa, we never tire of repeating what harmful behaviors are to be avoided. Our animals are an incredible resource, now more than ever, we must take care of them with love and awareness ".