[Ju Young-jin's News Briefing]

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■ Broadcasting: SBS <Ju Young-jin's News Briefing> Mon ~ Fri (14: 00 ~ 16: 00)
■ Progress: Joo Young-Jin Anchor
■ Talk: Former Independence Hall Director Ju-Kyung Yoon

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Yoon Joo-Kyung, former Independence Hall President, is the No. 1 candidate for the proportional representation of the future Korean Party. Welcome to.

▶ Yun Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Hello.

▷ Juyoungjin / Anchor: Are you busy these days?

▶ Yoon Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: I'm not too busy, but I've been to National Hyeonchangwon and Daejeon Hyeonchungwon, and I personally visited the seventh place independence activists in Hyochang Park. So, it was a chance for me to know once again that the Republic of Korea that we are enjoying now is not really free, and that I am also committed to living a life that is not ashamed of them. It was.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: There were some twists and turns until it became proportional number one. At first, it was announced as number 21. Of course, it has been released to the media, but it has not been finalized. Changed from 21 to 1. How did you feel?
▶ Yoon Joo-Kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Well, I wasn't so shaken or anything like that, whether it was 21st or 1st. The only thing that I feel as being number one now is that the independence movement is a very important history of Korea, and it is the people's will that the succession of the spirit of independence movement is the way for Korea to go forward, and the future Korean party has accepted the people's On the other hand, I thought that the future Korean party was meaningful as it was an opportunity to pledge once again to the people that it really needed to inherit the spirit of independence movement.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Yoon Joo-Kyung, former Independence Hall President, viewers, the eldest daughter of Dr. Yoon Bong-Gil.

▶ Yoon Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Right.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Independent projection, descendant of an independent activist. Is the grandfather also the reason why he decided to do politics?

▶ Ju-Kyung Yoon / Former National Memorial Hall: Ultimately. However, there was no such thing as a dramatic thing, and while I was the director of the Independence Hall, I had some limitations in properly informing and conveying the Independence Movement as the President of the Memorial Hall. And after resigning from the Independence Hall, the place called Independence Hall is not just a place where I was given, but it is a very precious place. I think it's not right to just bury the experiences I had there. While I was doing a job, I was offered a job, so I thought about myself and now, what do I do if I do this in a joke with the experts who came to know through the Independence Hall? I was able to take the courage to say that it would not be bad to do it again when I was given this opportunity because I made the enema safe.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Then you are the proportional representative number 1, so in fact, you have reserved the 21st member of the National Assembly. If you become a member of the National Assembly, is there a law you want to make or something you want to do?

▶ Yoon Joo-Kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: I'm not a person prepared for politics so far, so I'll definitely do some laws. After preparing and saying that we have become an advanced country, I think that the respect for the pure nation and the merit of the country is still not at that level.

So, if there is a shortcoming in that, I want to make a measure to fill it. People are now looking at this question, so I asked what to do with the first bill, but I thought that it would be my job to make a law with some bona fide rather than what the first bill would be, so I wouldn't be much involved with that. To do.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Former President Joo-Kyung Yoon supported former President Park Geun-Hye in the 2012 presidential election, right?

▶ Yun Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Yes.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Then President Kim Won-woong, former liberation chairman and former lawmaker, recently used such an expression in a media interview, and there seems to have been similar controversy during the presidential election. Former Director Joo-Kyung Yoon is the eldest daughter of Dr. Bong-Gil Yoon, who is respected by all Korean citizens. In any case, the spirit of independence seems to not admit the law of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, but I think you probably received a lot of questions such as why former President Joo-Kyung Yoon accepted Proportional Representative No. 1 of the party and why he supported former President Park Geun-hye. . How would you respond?

▶ Yoon Joo-Kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Independence Movement is our history that all Koreans should cherish.

▷ Youngjin Joo / Anchor: Right.

▶ Yoon Joo-Kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: And it is only in the right direction to inherit the spirit of independence movement, and I will ask the anchor once. Please tell me why you think that the spirit of independence movement or the independence movement should be the only thing in the so-called progress and that it is.

▷ Joo Young-Jin / Anchor: If you ask a question like that, I keep broadcasting and only asked questions. People who said that they should accept the spirit of independence and accept the law of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea as if it were in our constitutional texts. On the side, the Grand National Party founded the National Day on August 15, 1948, and this provoked a debate as to whether the Korean Provisional Government was in the full text of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and was not accepting it. Wouldn't it be right there?

▶ Yoon Joo-Kyung / Former National Memorial Director: So if such a party intends to take over the spirit of independence movement, it is correct. Rather, I think the people should applaud that they want to go that way. So I want to play that role. And in some such independence movements, it is my intention to do something that I want to break, and that is what I want to break. So, in the Independence Movement, our Republic of Korea is all united, and with that one power, we can't even imagine what kind of corona difficulties like now, or where the events caused by this corona really go now. There is another thing that I want to create the power to overcome it and a united mind that can overcome it.
▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: I think the words that President Joo-Kyung Yoon has just spoken to will be remembered by viewers for a long time. In the 21st legislative activity, it will be merged into the Future Integration Party and Future Integration Party later. Whenever the future unification party talks about this part of the independence movement and the provisional government of the Republic of Korea, I think that the viewers will remember the story of former director Joo-Kyung Yoon and remember it. Grandpa, Dr. Bong-Gil Yoon, we know from the textbook. I told you the story of the lunch box bomb, but as you grow up, you will never have seen your grandfather.

▶ Yoon Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: No.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: What kind of person have you heard from adults?

▶ Yun Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: He lived very hard. Now, I haven't spent a single moment, but now I look at my grandfather's diary rather than the words of adults.

▷ Juyoungjin / Anchor: Do you have a diary?

▶ Yun Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Yes. So you are my aunt. It was my father's sister, and I think she was very sick. So when he saw the child hurt, he said he felt a pain like a stabbing with a knife, and there was a diary I wrote after my aunt was passed away. It was very warm to see what he said when he looked at the moon and said that he could show the moon to his life again. He was a warm father, and when he saw a letter from Shanghai to Qingdao or his house, he was very respectful of my grandmother. Because even if I can't leave my children and leave, I'm writing this saying that your mother will raise them now.

So, he was the best, usually a husband, an ordinary father, and in a letter I wrote to my great-grandmother, my mother had an expectation about me. When I thought of my mother on this road, she said that tears like drops of water would fall, but she was an ordinary son. I did. However, because he was firmly determined that he shouldn't go that way through what he experienced under this colony, he went that way again, and sometimes he thinks that we are the ones who show that we can go that way together. To do.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Former Director Joo-Kyung Yoon will remember better than anyone else, but I've also searched for a letter from the doctor Yun Bong-Gil or an article related to the will. According to the letter I wrote to my son, if you have blood and bones, you must say that you must be a courageous fighter for the Joseon Dynasty. In the will, I could eat well alone and die well, but I chose my country rather than the future of me and my family. . Instead of living for 100 years, I chose the opportunity to preserve the glory of my country. Goodbye, goodbye. I was thrilled to see this will.

▶ Yoon Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Right. When the young people go to the Memorial Hall in Shanghai or go to the rocky ground of Dr. Bong-gil Yun in Kanazawa, I have heard many times that the young people are very impressed, weeping, and have a new determination to read those verses.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Yoon Bong-gil's family name is Mae Heon?

▶ Ju-Kyung Yoon / Former National Memorial Hall: Mae Heon.

▷ Juyoungjin / Anchor: What do you mean, Maheon.

▶ Yoon Joo-kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Plum blossom. When it comes to plum blossoms, they are plums and house owners. What can I say, I remember now.

▷ Juyoungjin / Anchor: It is a house where plum flowers bloom.

▶ Yoon Joo-Kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: Although it means that, the number of Seongsammun probably was there. I can't remember well, but I know that it is the issue that the teacher in the Seodang put in and built that means to receive his will.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: I don't have any prior knowledge at the moment, so I don't know if it is a messenger of spring. The first spring home. Perhaps, it has been interpreted once as if it contains the meaning of saying that it is the first thing to convey to the people who lived in colonial Joseon at that time, the dream of being Korean independent. Grandfather Yun Bong-gil's granddaughter is now in politics. To our viewers, I would like to briefly say to you that I will be a politician.

▶ Yoon Joo-Kyung / Former National Memorial Hall: I really want to be a member of the National Assembly who breathes the spirit of independence movement with the people and opens hope for the future with the people.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Open with the public. Perhaps, every step of every step of President Yoon Joo-kyung's politics, many people think of Dr. Bong-gil Yoon. I look forward to becoming a politician who keeps what you said today while working on the 21st National Assembly. Thank you for coming out today.