"The Advisory Committee has many opinions that it is better to declare an emergency." March 30 at 18:34

One of the members of the government's Advisory Committee, which is made up of experts on infectious diseases, on the "Declaration of Emergency" based on the Special Measures Law on Countermeasures against the New Coronavirus, said that among members of the committee, there was an explosive spread of infection. He said it was too late for the event to occur and that many would prefer to issue a declaration.

The Japan Medical Association holds a press conference over the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and Chairman Yokokura said, "Declaration of emergency" based on the Special Measures Law, "The situation is at a critical stage. The number of infected people in Tokyo is three digits. If you get closer to, there is a strong possibility that it will lead to medical collapse if you do not think about it. "

In addition, Managing Director Minoru Kamachichi, a member of the Advisory Committee, who is supposed to hear opinions when the Prime Minister issues a Declaration of Emergency, said, "Explosive infection spread among members. It was too late to issue a declaration afterwards, and most thought it would be better to do so now. "

As for the target areas, he said, "It has been pointed out that the area must be expanded a little more, rather than focusing on Tokyo. The surrounding prefectures also recognize that the situation is very critical." Was.

On the other hand, Mr. Kamagashi pointed out, "I think that the nation considers not only the spread of infection but also the impact on society and makes comprehensive judgments."