Going out restrictions What are your stress measures? 6:06 on March 30

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, measures to limit the number of people who go out around the world continue, and measures to reduce the stress and psychological burden of prolonged home life have begun.

Dot Data, which is based in Silicon Valley in the United States and provides apps for businesses, has been restricted from going out and currently has a staff of about 40 working at home.

As telecommuting prolonged, many staff members felt anxious, so each team held a video chat app meeting each morning once a week, and connected video calls once a week to meet each other. I am having lunch in the state of being

They don't talk about work at these lunch parties, but rather talk about their children and talk about their concerns about living at home.

Ryohei Fujimaki, CEO of Dot Data, said, "It's only a week or 10 days, but feelings become lonely over time. To keep feelings close, encourage face-to-face talking. I do. "

`` It's important to stay away from people to prevent the spread of infection, but people who want to connect with others, '' said Stanford University psychologist Jamil Zaki, an associate professor at Stanford University. Loneliness has a major psychological negative effect, leading to insomnia and depression, as well as weakened immunity and circulatory problems. "

He says that avoiding contact with people is an opportunity to be able to interact with people even from a distance, and it is necessary to think positively.

Meanwhile, Canadian astronaut Chris Hudfield has released a video on Twitter to introduce how astronauts are acting in a narrow space in danger and side by side. You.

Mr. Hadfield explains that astronauts do not just fear the situation, but value their specific understanding of the risks they face.

He says that it is important to reach out to trusted sources and identify the risks around you and your loved ones.

He says that by setting goals, grasping the challenges to achieve them, and taking steady actions every day, they can be productive even in confined spaces.

Various services on the Internet

Despite restrictions on outings around the world due to the effects of the new coronavirus, various services are provided through the Internet to enjoy everyday life while staying at home.

Famous theaters around the world have been forced to cancel performances, but there is a trend of free distribution on the Internet so that the stage can be enjoyed at home, and the Metropolitan Opera in New York is one of the previously performed stages. We offer videos for free for a limited time.

Cosera, which provides lectures at famous universities on the Internet, offers some of its online classes free of charge.The course on public health includes courses on the latest information on new coronavirus and crisis management. Learn how to

A famous British chef, Jamie Oliver, is introducing various cooking recipes from his home via video on SNS, and on 27th, after eggs were sold out at supermarkets etc. due to restrictions on going out. , A chocolate cake recipe that does not require eggs.

In addition, some gyms and yoga studio instructors, which are no longer in business, connect with participants by videophone and offer exercise programs from their homes and studios.