WHO Secretary-General "Thorough Measures by Blocking the City" New Coronavirus March 26 5:50

WHO Secretary-General Tedros of the World Health Organization has said that many countries are taking measures to block cities in order to stop the spread of the new coronavirus, and should take thorough measures accordingly. Appealed.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros said at a regular press conference at the headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, "A number of countries have been forced to leave schools and business holidays with considerable social and economic damage, We are taking unprecedented measures, such as canceling sporting events and waiting at home. "

Then, "all these countries should use the measures of" blocking the city "as an opportunity to defeat the virus so as to stop the infection and save more lives" I should have said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Bankerkov, technical director, pointed out that `` healthcare professionals who are treating patients with the new coronavirus do not have enough medical masks and gloves, '' etc. Called for delivery to frontline healthcare professionals, not the public.

At a press conference, Tedross said the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics was "thankful that Prime Minister Abe and members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have made sacrifices to protect athletes and spectators. We look forward to the event and wish it will be our celebration of our growing philanthropy. "