Ulrika Bergsten left China on March 6 to report from other countries in Asia. But country after country was shut down in an attempt to control the spread of the infection - as was China.

- My first thought was to definitely not go back until it was over but we realized pretty quickly that we had no alternative. We needed to come back to report on what's going on here, ”says Ulrika Bergsten.

Two weeks quarantine

However, as a resident of China, the first two weeks wait in quarantine. She will spend the time in a hotel room designated by Chinese authorities. The plan is to use the time to study Chinese, among other things. Released April 5

- No wasting or netflixing between 10am and 3pm is my plan, then I will study Chinese, read interesting articles and chat. Please keep in touch. I have all the time in the world to write letters, she says.

In the clip above you can see a vlog from her first time in isolation.