There was great interest from the nursing staff at Norrland University Hospital when food boxes were distributed outside one of the entrances.

It is the Kummin lunch restaurant that has started a gathering where those who want can swish 80 SEK for a lunch box. The money is later used to make food boxes that are donated to health care personnel at Norrland University Hospital.

The emergency department, the infection department and the intensive care unit are the departments that have received food boxes so far, but more care departments are interested.

- You get teary-eyed, says Olle Jonsson about the interest from the healthcare staff.

"Very grateful"

One of those who received a food box was Ann-Louise Lindström at the infection reception.

- We are very grateful that this is implemented. We want to thank the public for being swishat and the restaurant who cooked, she says.

Find out why the company chose to invest in this solution.