Restrictions on going out in 14 U.S.A. Spread of infection is rapidly accelerating New Corona March 25 4:54

In the U.S., where the spread of the new coronavirus is rapidly accelerating, 14 states, which account for more than 40% of the population by the 24th, have implemented measures to limit the number of people out of the country except for purchasing food. We are strengthening measures to prevent expansion.

In the United States, the number of infected people has so far reached 44,183, and it is the third largest after China and Italy, with an ever-increasing momentum.

By April 24, 14 states, including eastern New York and western California, have implemented measures to limit outbound travel to people except for essential purchases, such as the purchase of food. It is an unusual situation where people are restricted.

Among them, more than half of the United States, 25,665 people were infected, New York Governor Cuomo said at a news conference on April 24, "The number of infected people is doubling in three days, and the increase curve will not fit. What happens is happening everywhere in the future. "

The state of New York is urging the U.S. Government to support the hospital, saying that there will be a significant shortage of hospital beds and ventilators to accommodate infected people, and Mayor Desbrazio said on Thursday that 400 ventilators in New York City. Revealed that it arrived.

In New York City, the largest city in the United States and the center of the world economy, employees are required to work at home in companies and offices except for some tasks from the 22nd, stores and offices are closed and traffic is few, Concerns about the impact on civil life are growing.