China News Agency, Tokyo, March 24th. Topic: Global War Epidemic: Japanese Traditional Chinese Medicine Corps Plays Traditional Chinese Medicine to Help Fight "Epilepsy"

China News Agency reporter Shaowei Lu

In the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Chinese medicine has shown its unique advantages and has become a highlight of the epidemic prevention and control. Recently in Japan, professional associations composed of Chinese medical experts and others have launched actions to provide overseas Chinese in Japan with consulting services for the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia from the perspective of Chinese medicine.

On March 14, the Chinese Embassy in Japan held a symposium on the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia among overseas Chinese in Japan. Counselor and Consul General of the Chinese Embassy in Japan Zhan Kongchao made a few suggestions on the prevention and control of overseas Chinese. One of them is "widely mobilizing medical workers in the overseas Chinese community, and in particular mobilizing resources of traditional Chinese medicine to provide health counseling and prevention services to fellow citizens."

Representatives of the Japan Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine were invited to participate in the forum on the day. Ji Yonghuishi, the vice president of the association, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency that Consul Zhan proposed at the symposium whether Chinese medicine can be benefited by using Chinese medicine treatment methods. After the meeting, the association immediately communicated with relevant overseas Chinese groups through the Internet. Groups and other online and offline platforms provide consulting services for the majority of overseas Chinese in Japan.

Ji Yonghui said that the reason why the overseas Chinese community considered providing Chinese medicine consulting services to overseas Chinese was because everyone saw the positive role played by Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia in China and the prevention and treatment of SARS. In the case of no new effective medicine for new coronary pneumonia, both Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are the right medicine. The dialectical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine classifies the cold and heat symptoms of symptoms, and there are more antipyretic, antipyretic and antitussive. Sputum method.

According to Ji Yonghui, although the Japanese Association of Chinese Medicine is a young society that has been established for only 3 years, the members of the Association are medical professionals, many of whom are graduates of Chinese medicine or western hospitals in China, and have the qualifications of Chinese medicine and western medicine in China. , Committed to promoting Chinese medicine in Japan, and providing consulting and free consultation services for overseas Chinese in Japan.

It is reported that expert members of the Japan Association of Chinese Medicine can provide the overseas Chinese with the precautions of daily living and the knowledge of preventive health care of Chinese medicine from the aspects of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine Qigong, medicated diet, etc. Acupuncturists can give you guidance on acupoint health care, TCM Health Qigong masters can tell you how to do self-massage and practice, and experts teach you the role of Chinese herbal aromatherapy and the preparation of medicated tea. In particular, some doctors with medical qualifications in Japan can also provide Chinese medicine consultation and prescribe Chinese medicine prescriptions within the scope of Japanese medical insurance.

Ji Yonghui said that the expert members of the Japan Association of Chinese Medicine provide consulting services to overseas Chinese mainly through WeChat groups. In addition to publishing a written "epidemic prevention guide", they can also respond to individual consultations of overseas Chinese. In addition, some members of the association have their own clinics, which can also provide more direct treatment for overseas Chinese visiting the clinics.

At present, the experts of the association have jointly produced a "Traditional Chinese Medicine Advice on Plague Prevention", which is posted on the WeChat group for your review. The "recommendations" include the principles, specific methods, and traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia in traditional Chinese medicine.

Yoshiyoshi Yoshitaka emphasized that the premise of the members of the Japanese Association of Chinese Medicine to provide consultation services to everyone is to abide by the relevant laws of Japan's Medical Law and Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. If you are not a doctor but prescribe a prescription randomly and add some unproven drugs to the prescription, you may violate the law. Generally speaking, prescriptions prescribed by regular clinics and medicines sold by regular pharmacies will not violate regulations. Among the prescriptions provided by qualified expert members in the association, if there are medicines outside the scope of the Japanese medical insurance reimbursement, special instructions will also be given. (Finish)