• Coronavirus, Spallanzani Institute of Rome bulletin: 210 positive, 21 with respiratory support
  • Coronavirus, Spallanzani: 201 positive patients, 18 in respiratory support


March 22, 2020 "There are 219 positive Covid-19 patients. Of these, 22 need respiratory support". This is what emerges from today's bulletin of the Spallanzani hospital in Rome. "Further resignations of asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic patients are expected on the same day - continues the bulletin -. The patients discharged and transferred to home or to other territorial structures are 73 this morning".

"Training for local family doctors"
And as regards the health measures to deal with the emergency this morning it was decided that Spallanzani's doctors will guarantee continuous training aimed at the local network from today. "A meeting was held this morning between the Councilor for Health of Lazio, the Health Department of this Institute and the vice president of the Order of Doctors of Rome and Roman secretary of the FIMMG, Pierluigi Bartoletti. The secretary of the Roman family doctors shared the extreme importance of the role of territorial medicine which, working in synergy with the hospital network, ensures a decisive role in winning this system challenge to which, in fact, a system response must be given. The doctors of the Spallanzani Institute will guarantee, to starting from today, continuous training useful to equip the territorial network with suitable scientific instruments "reads the bulletin issued by the Institute.