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22 March 2020 "The role of the European Commission is to put proposals on the table, including the most advanced and certainly most appropriate ones for me, such as the Covidbonds. And try to contribute to reaching the necessary consensus. I am sadly convinced that unfortunately the evolution of this pandemic will push to overcome the undervaluations and the divisions ": affirms the commissioner for the EU economic affairs, Paolo Gentiloni, in an interview with Il Sole 24 Ore.

Among the options on the table in Brussels against the coronavirus crisis, Gentiloni mentions: "Tools related to MES can be those of special credit lines. These credit lines are subject, under normal conditions, to conditionalities that the countries involved are unlikely to be willing to accept. The discussion on the possibility of modifying these conditionalities is open ".

Then there are other hypotheses. Gentiloni lists them: "The first is to create an extraordinary fund for programs related to the fight against Coronavirus that would involve all countries. Obviously it would have limited dimensions, but it could be a contribution in the immediate term. It is necessary -
explains the European Commissioner - the sharing of all countries. The European Commission then proposed the use of unspent structural funds, an option worth many billions for Italy. A third hypothesis that the Commission could put on the table is to anticipate the instrument of reinsurance of national unemployment support schemes or restructuring schemes, such as layoffs in Italy or Kurzarbeit in Germany. This is one of my goals. "

"The idea - according to Gentiloni - could be anticipated, but it has to deal with the fact that we do not yet have a new Community budget - the Member States have not yet reached an agreement - and therefore the capacity of this fund would be limited" .