The Act on Own Housing, the Ebo Act, has previously meant that asylum seekers can settle wherever they want. But new amendments to the law give selected municipalities the right to make exceptions, because asylum seekers who settle in certain areas lose their daily allowance.

The government has listed 32 municipalities that may make exceptions, and these are municipalities that the government estimates have areas with socio-economic challenges. Halmstad is the only municipality in Halland that can make exceptions to the ebo-law and the municipal management administration was therefore given the task of identifying the areas that may affect it. The proposal is to exclude Andersberg Norra, Andersberg Södra and Vallås Västra, based on an assessment of which areas in Halmstad have the greatest socio-economic challenges.

Starting July 1st

According to the administration, 117 asylum seekers are currently living in their own accommodation in Halmstad, and it is estimated that there will be about as many people in the future.

The rules start to apply from 1 July and asylum seekers who already live in the exempted areas may stay and keep their daily allowance.

Final decision is expected

The proposal also means that the effects of the area restrictions should be followed up by 1 July 2022 in order to make a new assessment.

A final decision is expected to be taken by the municipal council on 31 March.