"Without the port being generalized, when the circumstances of the police action require it, the wearing of a mask is authorized in order to preserve the health integrity of the personnel", writes the central director of public security to the departmental directors in a note consulted by Europe 1.

"The mobilized police do not have the material means to win this health war," said the police commander and assistant secretary general of the union of internal security executives Christophe Rouget at the microphone of Europe 1, Saturday noon. Mobilized to enforce containment measures, members of the police force, in particular, were not allowed to wear masks during their controls. According to information from the Parisian, confirmed at Europe 1, things have changed.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the situation on Saturday

"The DGPN asks you to ensure the provision of surgical masks to the police and personnel in contact with the public, in particular during the controls of containment measures on the public highway", writes indeed the central director of public security to departmental directors, in a note consulted by Europe 1.

"When the circumstances require it"

"Without the port being generalized, when the circumstances of the police action require it, the wearing of a mask is authorized in order to preserve the health integrity of the personnel", continues the document, opening the way for an evolution of uses in the matter.

Nearly 40,000 people have been fined since Tuesday and the entry into force of containment measures prohibiting travel unless there is a valid reason and provided that you have completed a special certificate.