Muhammad Rehmanpour-Tehran

The Iranians never expected to welcome Nowruz - in which they celebrate the coming of the spring - in a calm they were not used to on their festivals, as the celebrations proceeded in a shy manner closer to nothingness, so there is no crowding in the streets nor appearing to be joyous faces.

In light of the spread of the new Corona virus and the imposition of domestic quarantine on citizens, Iran and various nationalities, such as Afghans, Tajiks, Azeris and Kurds, canceled celebrations of the New Year according to the solar Hijri calendar, which is the annual date for schools, institutions and citizens ’trips.

(Haft Sin Scene) A table that the family meets around at the moment of the year’s conversion (Al Jazeera)

Remote celebration
"For the first time, I do not celebrate with my family at the moment of the year’s transition, and my wife and I communicate with our parents through electronic applications, so we cannot visit them because of health concerns, as well as because the police are prevented from entering cars whose numbers differ from numbers," Majeed, 45, said in his interview with Al-Jazeera Net. Destination cities cars. "

Majeed added, my wife cried last night because of her loneliness, her distance from the family and the inability to leave the house, while my grandmother fasted and requested that God end this ordeal and the disease would disappear, so that life would return to its luster and nature.

Iranian shops are almost devoid of customers despite the advent of Eid Nowruz (Al-Jazeera)

Nowruz traditions
It has been a tradition within the ancient Nowruz tradition to clean homes and change household necessities as needed, as well as buy clothes, go to the barber, and decorate the holiday table with the Qur'an, candles, mirror, roses, nuts and sweets, as well as small red fish.

As for the essential aspect of the holiday, lies in visiting family, relatives and friends, as well as on tourism trips, where last year about 20 million citizens traveled inside Iran during the two-week holiday of Nowruz, according to the head of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization Ali Asghar Munsan.

However, many citizens were disappointed in celebrating this New Year's Eve, as many store owners such as travel offices, hotels, restaurants, clothes, sweets and household items were affected.

Poor demand for holiday clothes and supplies after the spread of Corona virus in Iran (Al-Jazirah)

Parliament deputies
In an attempt to overcome these burdens, some Iranian parliamentarians have proposed combining Nowruz holidays into other days of the year such as Eid Al Fitr and Eid al-Adha, but Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is reluctant to implement this proposal.

On the other hand, some officials called for changing the perception of annual leave and turning it from a curse into a blessing by investing it and considering it an opportunity to limit the spread of this virus within the survival of citizens in their homes.

On the other hand, citizens posted via their tweets on social media and a tag called #Eid_Aid_A__A__A_KXK__Krona, meaning "our holiday after the defeat of Corona", to postpone holiday celebrations and travel after fighting the epidemic, and encourage others to stay at home.

Low demand for buying nuts and sweets for Nowruz, unlike previous years (Al-Jazeera)

Difficult year
Professor Mouradi, an employee at a government bank of Al-Jazeera Net, says, "We started the New Year in Nowruz with news of torrents, earthquakes, blockades, inflation, protests and internet cuts.

"A difficult year has passed for the Iranians, in which many families’ income fell in light of these tensions and successive crises, and I hope that such things will not happen in the New Year, and we, as citizens, want nothing but good and safety for all human beings. New blessings and mercy. "

Doaa Nowruz
This New Year and Nowruz holiday begins in Iran at seven, 19 minutes and 37 seconds of this morning, Friday, March 20, as part of a family meeting around the "Haft Sin" table in which everyone reads this supplication for this occasion in Arabic, Rajin Mawla Azza wa Jalla Alleviate their concerns and change their conditions in the New Year:

O mold hearts and eyes / O day and night mastermind

O transformer year and conditions / convert our situation to the best.