National Assembly Chairman Ahn Chul-soo said today (20th) "We will gather the party's consensus at the next National Assembly and expand and reorganize the disease management headquarters under the Ministry of Health and Welfare to the 'Disease Control and Prevention' directly under the Prime Minister."

Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19 (Corona19) Ahn, who is self-quarantine after medical service, attended the National Assembly's Supreme Council at the National Assembly Hall by video link, saying, "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "I will give full control of the quarantine."

Ahn said, "The Commissioner for Disease Control and Prevention will appoint an expert in the field of quarantine, and will give full control of quarantine." I said I would do it.

Prof. Ahn suggested, "I see the dedication and mission of the public officials in the white head and tired face of the head of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention." Of the background.

Ahn also repeatedly emphasized the passage of the 'Special Resolution for True Heroes' in the March Provisional Assembly, which was claimed by the press conference yesterday.

The 'True Hero Resolution' is intended to honor the dedication, service, integration, community, and citizenship of first-line officials, medical staff, and volunteers.

He also suggested that the anti-malaria drug may act as a cure for corona19, and that the government should verify its effectiveness.

(Photo = Yonhap News)