Soon it is Easter and a large number of tourists are expected to come to the country's various ski resorts. This means a greater risk of spreading the infection. This has meant that the Jämtland Härjedalen Region has now addressed a special issue to the Public Health Authority.

"We have asked if they can assist with recommendations or if they will," says Hans Svensson, regional director.

According to Hans Svensson, the Public Health Authority should also conduct a dialogue with the county administrative boards around the ski resorts around the country.

The question lies with the Public Health Authority

He points out that the number of tourists is not fundamentally a problem. Every year, several thousand tourists come to the county's various ski resorts.

- But what is happening now is that we have stricter procedures for managing patients, which means that it will take longer.

But do you think you could do it?

- Yes, if you just look at the usual injuries that you fall into slopes and such, then we have absolute capacity to cope. What is the question now is how the Public Health Authority views the risk of infection spreading in these places based on experience in Italy and Austria.

- This is the question we ask ourselves that we need to have confirmed now in our work. And we haven't got an answer there yet, they are doing it now.

Do you know when you get an answer?

- We expect to have this in the next few days.