Government stops supporting airline with new Corona March 18 6:44 on March 18

With the spread of the new coronavirus worldwide and the continuing push for airlines to drop most flights, governments around the world have been supporting the airline and others in supporting their operations. Is coming out.

In Europe, Germany has begun restricting entry and exit on 16th, and some countries have banned foreigners in principle.

In addition, the US has suspended entry from Europe, which has forced several airlines to drop most flights.

In this context, several Italian media have reported that the Italian government is considering the nationalization of Alitalia, which is in trouble, as part of its efforts to combat the new coronavirus.

The British finance minister, Snack, also announced plans for economic assistance yesterday, revealing that it is considering special assistance to airlines and airports.

In addition, the Russian government has taken measures to temporarily extend the deadline for paying taxes to airlines, and the German government and others have also begun to consider measures to support the aviation industry.

However, as the spread of the virus is not expected to end and the movement of people and goods is greatly restricted, the aviation industry is likely to remain in a severe situation.