It is a topic that a primary school teacher devised a plan to protect students from 'Corona 19'.

On the 12th of the local time, foreigners such as Daily Mail in the UK introduced the story of Shona Woods, a third grade teacher at Hallsville Elementary School in Missouri, USA.

Recently, Woods' concern was Corona19, which is spreading worldwide. As students gathered together and attended classes, he thought that he should be thorough to prevent infection, and he provided hygiene products for children with hand sanitizers and wipes.

In particular, watching the importance of washing hands with the Corona 19 prevention method, I wondered how students would wash their hands more often, but it was the 'painting' imprinted on the textbook of Mr. Woods. Every morning before class, I put this stamp on the children's back, and when school was over, I thought of a way to compensate for it with marshmallows.
"The children are happy to receive the stamp. I think the proper rewards have been a great help in washing their hands," said Woods, who put the stamp into practice. There is. "

After hearing the news, the netizens applauded the warm thoughts of the teacher who thought about the students, such as "I'm a really good teacher", "I think it will be a great motivation to wash my hands", and "I will try to follow my child too."

This is 'News Pick'.

(Photo = 'Mrs. Woods 3rd Grade' Facebook)