Paris (AFP)

Faced with "the most serious health crisis in a century", Emmanuel Macron has put on the clothes of "Father of the Nation" to make the French accept drastic measures against the coronavirus.

"United France is our best asset in the troubled period we are going through," the head of state said Thursday in a 25-minute long statement from his office in the Élysée.

"I am counting on you," he said several times when addressing the French. By calling them to think in "solidarity" rather than in "solitary", to privilege "us" to "I". In short, he summarized, "the time today is for the cohesion of the Nation".

Emmanuel Macron "made a very solemn speech, which underlines the gravity of the situation", estimates Jérôme Fourquet, director opinion and strategy of Ifop. "It is almost a speech of patriotic mobilization at the start of a conflict, except that the + soldiers, sailors and airmen + have been replaced by the" white coats ", saying that they will have the support of the Nation".

In such a context, "we cannot help but be one with the president", underlines the political scientist Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet. "He has not forgotten anyone, has spoken to all categories, and it may be the beginning of a form of reconciliation with the French" for this president, who was largely unpopular in the polls, according to him.

- "Dramatization" -

For Dominique Wolton, a specialist in political communication at the CNRS, the "dramatization" of the president's speech is "a bet that could be favorable to him if it is won". But for that he needs the results to follow, he warns.

The initial reactions from the opposition were rather positive. The boss of the deputies LR Damien Abad found Emmanuel Macron "at the height of his function" while Jean-Luc Mélenchon called for "solidarity and cohesion".

To prepare for this eagerly awaited intervention, his first solemn since the beginning of the crisis, Emmanuel Macron remained locked up all day at the Élysée Palace, where he consulted a lot. He exchanged with Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, Minister of Health Olivier Véran and Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon, the latter two having established themselves as the two faces of the fight against the epidemic in the eyes of the French.

The head of state also discussed with politicians a possible postponement of the municipal elections, the first round of which takes place on Sunday. But this possibility was rejected by his interlocutors, including the President LR of the Senate Gérard Larcher, according to parliamentary sources.

- "Amazing inflections" -

Several analysts point out, however, the contradictions between the most drastic measures, namely the closure of nurseries, schools and universities, or the call to people over 70 not to go out, and, on the other hand, the maintenance municipal elections Sunday and March 22.

This "paradox" is "very illustrative of the + at the same time +" dear to Emmanuel Macron, underlines Sylvain Brouard, research director at Cevipof. Because it is difficult to understand that "at the same time, we can vote but we do not go to school and that, when we are over 70, we must stay at home".

This expert also points to "astonishing inflections" and "a little out of step with regard to many positions taken and reforms undertaken", when the Head of State criticizes the "laws of the market".

"To delegate our food, our protection, our ability to take care of our living environment, basically, to others is madness. We must regain control of it, build even more than we already do a sovereign France and Europe ", did he declare.

Emmanuel Macron has also positioned himself as the leader of a European coordination, demanding that the EU act "strong and fast". He did not hesitate to criticize the weakness of the measures announced by the European Central Bank, calling on him to "take new ones".

"He is in the register of Nicolas Sarkozy during the crisis of 2008, with the will to take a leadership at the international level, at least European", "whatever it costs", that is to say by forgetting the Maastricht criteria ", estimates Jérôme Fourquet. And, therefore," he will also be assessed on his ability to manage the European level ", warns Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet.

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