"Emergency proposals" such as radical expansion of the Communist Party's freelance support, March 12, 19:13

With the spread of the new coronavirus, the Communist Party has compiled urgent recommendations to the government, including a radical increase in support for freelancers following temporary school closures.

An urgent recommendation states that the current state of the Japanese economy is "because of the consumption tax hike and the spread of the new coronavirus, we are falling into a serious recession."

He is also calling on the government to increase the credit line of special lending schemes for small and medium-sized businesses with declining sales from the government's ¥ 500 billion to ¥ 20 trillion.

It also states that the amount and amount of compensation for freelancers who take time off from work due to temporary school closure should be drastically expanded to cover ¥ 4100 per day.

In addition, we are seeking to reduce the consumption tax rate to 5% and reduce social insurance premiums.

Mr. Shii stated at a press conference, "We need to secure a budget of around ¥ 20 trillion in fiscal expenditures. We want to protect the lives of the people and support households and small and medium-sized businesses."