Stay home if you're sick. This call has always been the case, with or without coronavirus outbreaks.

But now that there are indications of social transmission of the new virus, that is, not just cases where people have become infected in another country, it becomes even more important to be vigilant for mild symptoms.

- The difference in behavior is not so great from last week. It is even clearer now that if you are cold or start getting symptoms, you should stay home. Especially if you work with the elderly or those who can become seriously ill, says Anders Tegnell.

Most symptoms are mild

On Monday, the Public Health Authority urged that anyone with symptoms of respiratory infection, including mild ones, should refrain from social contacts to minimize the risk of infection.

This can include cough, runny nose and fever.

- Respiratory tract infection is a wide range of symptoms. Most people are mild, but it can also be serious deep pneumonia, says Anders Tegnell.

"For the sake of society"

Generally common sense is what the Public Health Authority advocates, as well as good hand hygiene.

- Especially in this situation, so that you do not expose your environment to unnecessary risk. It is the elderly who are most vulnerable, so it is for the sake of society, not for their own sake, says Anders Tegnell.