The German Federal Center for Health Education said that there are symptoms that ring the alarm and warn of hemorrhoids, so what are they?

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the anal canal.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

1- Fecal incontinence.

2- Feeling of itching and burning sensation in the anus.

3- The presence of blood traces in the stool.

The German Center pointed out that the factors that lead to hemorrhoids are:

1- Genetic factors.

2- Age.

3- Obesity.

4- Sit long.

5- Irregular bowel movement (constipation or diarrhea).

6- Wrong nutrition.

7- Not exercising.

Hemorrhoids treatment is based on weight loss and healthy nutrition rich in dietary fiber, whose nutritional sources are vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grain products and nuts.

It is also necessary to drink a lot of fluids, and keep exercising and exercise activities in order to stimulate bowel movement.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, drug treatment can also be resorted to, and surgery may be required.