• Bitten by a dog, a 1.5 year old boy dies
  • Bitten in the legs by his dog, a serious four year old boy


09 March 2020 She was transferred to the 'Salesi' hospital in Ancona, where the six-month-old girl who was killed yesterday in the head by the family pit bull was in serious condition.

The little girl arrived in hospital in critical clinical conditions: she was in a state of shock, strongly anemic for the huge blood losses, she was intubated, stabilized and subjected to a very delicate neurosurgery.

From what is learned from the health management, during the intervention the clinical conditions of the baby were kept stable, also thanks to the pharmacological support of hemodynamics and blood transfusions were necessary.

The child is hospitalized in the pediatric resuscitation department and the clinical conditions remain very serious: she is kept in a pharmacological coma, intubated, subjected to mechanical ventilation and radiological checks.