Yesterday, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants said that Israel practiced "apartheid" in the Palestinian territories and undermined the two-state solution.

In a press statement, the Ministry indicated that the Israeli War Minister, Naftali Bennett, announced the approval of the "Path of Sovereignty" project, which separates travel and transportation between Palestinians and settlers, and links the settlement of Ma'aleh Adumim to Jerusalem.

The ministry said that this project "aims to isolate the Palestinian areas from each other, as stated in the terms of the (American) deal of the century, and to open the way for the separation of the central and northern West Bank from its south, and to undermine any opportunity to establish a viable and sovereign Palestinian state."

The ministry added that this "dealt a severe blow to all international efforts aimed at launching a peace process and serious negotiations leading to the application of the principle of a two-state solution, and it is considered an official Israeli disregard for international legitimacy and its decisions."

The ministry called on the international community, headed by the Security Council and the European Union, and all states that claim to be keen to achieve peace, to move quickly to stop "Israeli ambitions in the Palestinian territories." And the Palestinian Foreign Ministry considered that "the non-punishment of the occupying power for its grave violations of international law and United Nations resolutions encourages it, and in light of the deal of the century, to continue its persistence in perpetuating the occupation and deepening settlements, in preparation for announcing the decisions of large-scale annexation of the occupied Palestinian territory."

The project undermines any opportunity for a viable and sovereign Palestinian state.