“We are starting the second phase of the teachings in the name of peace, independence and the inaccessibility of our homeland,” Maduro wrote.

Iniciamos la II Fase del Ejercicio Escudo Bolivariano 2020 por la Paz, la independencedencia y por hacer inexpugnable a la Patria. Un despliegue de la unión Cívico-Militar perfecta en los estados Miranda, La Guaira, Apure, Bolívar y el Distrito Capital. ¡Máxima Moral Combativa! pic.twitter.com/GZouF8P6AX

- Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) March 9, 2020

It is noted that the armed forces are deployed in the states of Miranda, Apur, Bolivar, as well as in the metropolitan area.

On February 29, Nicholas Maduro announced that the power structures of the Bolivarian Republic were preparing for anti-terrorism exercises.