Inhabitants criticized by Deputy Prime Minister of Wuhan Sun for inspection by SNS Image spread on March 9 at 5:52

A video was posted on SNS that seems to have captured residents criticizing by shouting to Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chunlan who was visiting Wuhan in Hubei Province where the infection status of the new coronavirus is the most serious in China . Residents are increasingly dissatisfied with the authorities' response, and the Chinese government appears to be busy.

The footage was posted on Weibo, a Chinese version of Twitter, by June 6 and spread, and many have been removed.

The author is unknown, but in the video, while Deputy Prime Minister Son is visiting a place like an apartment complex, a voice shouts, `` All are lie '' or `` People are buying expensive ingredients '' ____ is inside.

It is believed that Deputy Prime Minister Son was visiting the Wuhan complex on Wednesday and caught criticism on this occasion.

As the images spread in China, the People's Daily of the Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper, People's Daily, did not specifically mention the images in an article dated June 6, while referring to the situation of the residents of Wuhan. Complaining that they are delivering vegetables and vegetables, but they are not actually perfect. "

"The Chinese government has called on Hubei Province and Wuhan City to conduct a thorough investigation and cut off formalism and bureaucracy," the Wuhan city official said.

In Wuhan, the housing complex is strictly controlled, including the ban on all outings and restrictions on purchasing food in bulk.

It seems that the residents are becoming more and more frustrated, and the Chinese government is working to prevent the breach from going to the government.