Are children more resistant? What are the risks for pregnant women? Is the infection immunizing? Doctor Jimmy Mohamed, columnist of the program "Sans rendez-vous", on Europe 1, answers your questions about the coronavirus epidemic, between preconceived ideas and scientific realities.

Between preconceived ideas and scientific realities, how to disentangle the true from the false on the coronavirus, whose epidemic has now lasted for more than a month in France? Doctor Jimmy Mohamed, columnist of the program Sans Rendez-vous , on Europe 1, answers questions from listeners of Europe 1 on this infection and its consequences for the different categories of the population.

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@GuillaumeTC: Are children more resistant to the virus? Can they be carriers?

Dr Jimmy Mohamed: "In China, where there have been more than 72,000 cases recorded, children under 10 years of age represent less than 1% of the sick and none have died. This means that children can when even be infected, not develop symptoms, but they can infect others, which is why some schools are closed. "

@ DIDINE533111: What are the risks for pregnant women?

Dr Jimmy Mohamed: "We know that the coronavirus can be more severe in fragile people and pregnant women, in whom two types of complication are to be feared: the first for itself: it can develop more severe respiratory forms but also Fever in pregnant women can be responsible for premature deliveries or miscarriages.Anyway, if you are pregnant and have the temperature, coronavirus or not, it is important to consult your doctor. "

@ Mr_Majid92: As with the seasonal flu, can we hope that this virus will "dissipate" with the advent of sunny days?

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed: "Generally, viruses don't like heat. Viruses, especially the flu, are mainly found during the winter period. However, we are not sure that with the arrival of sunny days, the virus is not evolving and the epidemic continues despite everything this summer "

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@hamzaAF: What do you think about the use of antibacterial gels? Are they really effective?

Dr Jimmy Mohamed: "Using hydroalcoholic gels is part of the 'barrier measures' which are used to avoid catching the coronavirus but also the gastroenteritis virus, the influenza virus or any viral infection which However, in children, I recommend washing your hands with soap and water because sometimes they use it badly. Either by ingesting them, or by doing anything, which makes soap washing more effective. "

@zenmasque: For the symptoms of coronavirus, does it start with a cough or is it directly a fever?

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed: "The coronavirus can express itself in a multitude of ways. We have seen it in children, it can be perfectly asymptomatic, you have no symptoms. It can give you fever or not, a cough or not, a hope of nasopharyngitis, sore throat, body aches ... In short, it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis of coronavirus simply with symptoms. "

@ nadia12424923: While waiting for a mask, can a scarf protect us?

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed: "There is no point in trying to create surgical masks, protective, in a traditional way or trying to put your scarf in front of your mouth to avoid getting sick. These will not filter out micros- particles, viruses, or bacteria. You just risk getting hot and getting sick. "

@laysed: How long is a protective mask effective? Is it useful to wear an "expired" FFP2 where it no longer has any effectiveness?

Dr Jimmy Mohamed: "Surgical masks or duck FFP2 have a limited lifespan. After 3-4 hours, they are not sufficiently tight and the microparticles may pass through the pores, due to humidity that you give off when you breathe. "

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@ tomhac76: Is the infection immunizing?

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed: "At the moment, we don't know if this infection is immunizing like chickenpox. On the other hand, very few cases have been described. There is one or two cases in Asia of a patient who has developed two times the coronavirus. Nevertheless, it is possible that it is a first contamination which spread out in time. I rather think not, but nothing is proven. "

@missdemonde: In times of risk of contamination by a virus X of COVID-19 type or other, do you recommend the adoption of a particular diet?

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed: "There is no food, no vitamin, no nutrient that could boost your immune system and prevent you from getting coronavirus or another virus."

@ romainducros2: Can the virus affect pets?

Dr Jimmy Mohamed: "There was a case of a dog in Hong Kong which was quarantined following a positive coronavirus test. At this stage, the WHO tells us that the contamination would be human-to-human to humans and that there would be no point in tracking animals down and quarantining them. "