
March 07, 2020 Here are some tips to avoid contagion

1) Wash your hands often

2) Avoid close contacts and always keep a distance of one meter with everyone

3) Avoid crowded places

4) Preferable to stay at home (especially the elderly and immunosuppressed)

5) Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands

6) Use a disposable tissue for mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough. Otherwise use the crease of the elbow

7) Air the rooms as much as possible if you are with other people

8) Avoid handshakes, hugs and the promiscuous use of glasses or bottles . Clean surfaces and objects with disinfectants

9) Do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics, unless they are prescribed by your doctor

10) If in doubt, do not go to the emergency room: call your general practitioner and if you think you have been infected, call 112.