At the microphone of Europe 1, the candidate of the list Decidons Paris in the 18th district of the capital, supported by La France insoumise, denounces the decision "taken on a corner of the table" to organize the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024. Vikash Dhorasso says that the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo has changed her mind "for the postcard"


Eight days before the first round of municipal elections, the debates are going well between the candidates. If cleanliness and safety are the main subjects which concern the French, a subject returns in Île-de-France, and particularly in Paris: the organization of the Olympic Games in 2024. Vikash Dhorasso, candidate for mayor of the 18th arrondissement of Paris, on the Décidons Paris list, supported by La France Insoumise, said at the microphone of Europe 1 this Saturday that these Games in 2024 would be a "economic, ecological, social and democratic disaster"

"We are going to concrete while people are asking for green spaces"

On the economic level, Vikash Dhorasso predicts that the projected budgets will be "never respected", explaining that during the last Olympic Games, "the budgets have exploded each time". "The hoped-for repercussions will not be there", continues the candidate of the list Decidons Paris in the XVIIIème district. "It will also be an ecological disaster since we are going to concrete while people are asking for green spaces, we are going to bring in tourism in droves," denounces Vikash Dhorasso.

"And finally, it's going to be a social disaster because there are people who deserve parks and small pools and we are going to make them big infrastructures that are not going to be useful in the end," explains Vikash Dhorasso, affirming that a hostel for immigrant students would be moved so that the Olympic swimming pool could be built.

"We too have the right to have a radiant Paris"

Vikash Dhorasso says that the organization of the Olympic Games was "decided on a corner of the table by a few people who know for us and who decide for us". "I would have liked the Parisians to be consulted by a referendum," he continues. "Anne Hidalgo changed her mind for the postcard. She was against it, she became for it. But the Olympic Games are for tourism, it's Paris that we sell abroad", regrets- he. "But we too have the right to have a Paris that shines!", He concludes.

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Asked about a potential alliance with the common Paris lists in the second round, Vikash Dhorasso explained that each list of Décidons Paris would decide according to the results of the first round. "The base is sovereign," he said, strongly denouncing the potential rapprochements between Anne Hidalgo and Cédric Villani, whom he classifies on the right of the political spectrum.

The other candidates in the 18th arrondissement of Paris:

  • Eric Lejoidre, Paris en Commun
  • Rudolphe Granier, Hired to save Paris
  • Pierre Liscia, Let's be free
  • Anne-Claire Boux, Ecology for Peers
  • Pierre-Yves Bournazel, Paris together
  • Lucas Elalouf, The New Paris