Globally, newly formed Corona virus (Covid-19) infections exceeded ninety thousand, and 3200 deaths. Here we offer seven ways to reduce unnecessary physical contact with others such as shaking hands and kissing, to reduce the risk of transmission of the Corona infection.

In her report, published by Mashable Middle East, author Nicole Gallucci said it is important to wash hands properly and frequently, and not to touch the face to prevent disease.

People can be infected with Covid-19 disease by other people who have the virus, and the disease can be transmitted from one person to another through small droplets that are scattered from the nose or mouth when the person with Corona disease coughs.

These droplets fall onto the objects and surfaces surrounding the person, and other people can then become infected with Covid-19 when they touch these objects or surfaces, then touch their eyes or noses. People can also get Covid-19 disease if they breathe droplets that come out of the person with the disease with a cough or exhale.

So it is important to stay away from the sick person more than one meter.

Instead of shaking hands with an acquaintance or kissing friends, try using one of these greetings that requires no touch:

1- Say "hello "
The author explained that the salutation should not involve physical contact, so there is nothing wrong with saying hello without doing other things. Say "hello" and then quickly ask a question, like: "How are you doing?" To keep the conversation going.

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2- Touching the feet
A new way to salute from the spread of the Coruna virus is to touch the feet, and it is called "Wuhan Salutation". Videos of this unique greeting shot in China and Iran are popular and look great.

3- wave to the person
The writer stated that the waving is not conditional on the distance between people, so doing this for someone standing in front of you is completely acceptable.

4- Gesture with your head
Gesture can be a great way to greet, and you can practice it in front of a mirror several times to perfect it.

5- Grip stroke without touching
The salute of a fist is classic and easy, so if you're a fan of it, keep using it, but not complete it completely. Stop before touching the other person's hand.

6- Military salute
Military greetings should not be embarrassing, as you can be creative in their implementation and invent your own method.

7- Implement air kisses
The author explained that true cheek kisses can be risky at this time. In return, air kisses are a safe way to greet.