According to information gathered by Europe 1, the serial killer admitted his involvement in this case during a long hearing started Wednesday before the examining magistrate Sabine Khéris. Michel Fourniret, whose shadow hangs over the disappearance of the girl since 2006, had recently been questioned by his ex-wife, Monique Olivier.

The serial killer has confessed. Seventeen years after the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin in Guermantes, in Seine-et-Marne, Michel Fourniret admitted to having killed the little girl, according to information collected by Europe 1. "L'Ogre des Ardennes" confessed on Thursday , within the framework of a very long hearing, started the day before and which continued Friday in the office of the examining magistrate Sabine Khéris.

>> HONDELATTE RACONTE - The disappearance of Estelle Mouzin

The magistrate had already questioned him last November 27. At the time, Michel Fourniret claimed that his memory "(didn't care) the camp". "If I am unable to say 'yes, I am responsible for his disappearance' (...), I urge you to consider me as guilty, to treat me as guilty," he said.

An alibi undermined by his ex-wife

The alibi so far advanced by the serial killer to deny his involvement in the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin - a telephone call made to her son from his home - had been questioned by his ex-wife, Monique Olivier, at twice in November and January. She said that she made the phone call herself, at the request of her husband.