A very rare work by Isaac Newton was discovered in the Ajaccio library. Printed in 1686, there are only 80 copies worldwide, one of which sold for $ 3.7 million at an auction at Christie's a few years ago.

A very rare work by Isaac Newton printed in 1686, Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Mathematical principles of natural philosophy), was discovered in the heritage library of Ajaccio, said Vannina Schirinsky-Schikhmatoff, in charge of conservation and restoration.

"By doing research, I realized that it is a work that we are tearing off. There are 400 copies in English and 80 in Latin. The Latin edition sold for 3.7 millions of dollars at an auction organized by Christie's a few years ago and it is this edition that is in the Ajaccio library, "said the curator.

"This book dates from the lifetime of Isaac Newton"

"While I was researching a listing concerning the Lucien Bonaparte collection, I saw that there was a Newton. This is the date that struck me, this book dating from the lifetime of Isaac Newton. well, so I found the Grail in the heritage room, lost in the heights, hidden. The exterior is a bit damaged but the interior is in excellent condition. This work is the cornerstone of modern mathematics ", a- she continued.

A library with "national influence"

Vannina Schirinsky-Schikhmatoff was already at the origin of the discovery of "Thesaurus Hyeroglyphicorum", a treatise on Egyptology dating from 1610, 200 years before the deciphering of hieroglyphs by Champollion, in the heritage library reserve. These discoveries give the Ajaccian library, "a national influence" according to the curator, who had announced in mid-February his next departure from the library against a background of conflict with the town hall over the conservation of the works and the place.