In the past, individual district councils have been able to decide whether or not their preschools will offer vegan food. But as of August 1 this year, the decision lies with the central preschool administration, which has thus chosen to completely exclude vegan diet as an alternative.

- It is for nutritional reasons, so that we can guarantee a nutritious diet, says Hans Wettby.

Can't grate with vegan food?

- There are apparently no guidelines from the Swedish Food Agency for children up to three years of age, and many of our children are younger than that.

There is no recommendation from the National Food Agency

But when SVT talks to the National Food Agency it sounds different. From there it is stated that there is no national recommendation that one should not serve vegan diet at the preschool. Instead, they mean that it is up to each individual municipality to make statements and write governance documents.

- What we do know is that there is no dietary supplement to supplement the diet via tablet in the market today. But, on the other hand, there are enriched foods on the market that you can use, says Ulrika Backlund, dietitian and public meal adviser at the Swedish Food Agency.

Examples of fortified foods are vegetable drinks such as oat and soy milk.

Hear the manager's own words about why vegan food will not be served in preschool in the clip above.