Chinese expert New virus Early stage Difficult to diagnose Clinical data analysis March 2 5:37

Zhongnanshan, head of a team of health authorities in China about the new coronavirus, published a paper that showed no fever at hospitalization and no abnormalities on x-ray examinations. He points out that these factors make early diagnosis difficult, not least in humans.

This paper was published on the website of a medical journal in the United States on the 28th of last month, and analyzed the clinical data of 1099 patients from all over China who were infected with the new coronavirus by January 29. .

Of these, 88.7% of the patients had fever during the hospital stay, but at the time of hospitalization, more than half of the patients had no fever symptoms.

He pointed out that 17.9% of the 877 non-severe patients, or 157, had no abnormalities, such as on x-rays, which made these factors difficult to diagnose at an early stage.

The average length of hospital stay for the individuals analyzed was 12.8 days.

The paper noted that the mortality rate of the patients analyzed was 1.4%, but noted that early isolation and early diagnosis and treatment of infected individuals could reduce mortality. .