U.S. Democratic candidate nominated, round 4 Soon voting Feb. 29, 19:07

The fourth round of selecting opposition and Democratic candidates for the United States presidential election will begin in the southern South Carolina primary election at 9:00 PM on the 29th of Japan time. The focus is on whether middleman Biden, who gains the support of blacks in the state and rebounds, has a first victory against the vibrant leftist Sanders.

The fourth round of Democratic nominees for the US presidential election in November, the primary election in South Carolina, begins at 7:00 am on the 29th (9:00 a.m. 9:00 am Japan time).

According to U.S. political information site Real Clear Politics, South Carolina's former Vice President Biden maintained 36.8% of the time in a poll as of noon on Thursday 29th, Japan, and this was Sanders. Senators are chasing at 24.3%.

Businessman Steyer is third with 12.8%, and former mayor of South Bend, former Butigej, is fourth with 11.3%.

Although left-handers Sanders have shown momentum in the selection of candidates so far, South Carolina differs from Iowa and New Hampshire, which are predominantly white, in that blacks make up approximately 60% of Democrat supporters. I am.

Middleman Biden, who supported Vice President Obama, who became the first black president in U.S. history, had a high level of support among blacks, and rallied every day in the state to try to get back here. The focus is on being open and getting your first victory.

Meanwhile, Butigejedge, who made a breakthrough early on, has seen little support from blacks and is at a critical moment as soon as possible to gain the support of a wide range of people needed to gain party nomination.