- We want equal treatment to be treated equally and we want to know how to work at our level. It is important that this is determined, says Martin Sivertsson, a lawyer at the police law unit in Stockholm.

Plus reports on several foreign motorists who have been in dispute with the Swedish police over parking fines. This is despite the fact that everyone involved agrees that the motorists have actually paid their parking fees.

Motorists have entered too many - or too few - dashes when they enter the registration numbers of the cars in connection with the payment for their parking.

To be assessed in the highest instance

When motorists then dispute their parking fines to the police, they have been refused. The cases have since proceeded with legal proceedings, and both the police and motorists have appealed the cases in several instances.

In two of the cases, the motorists got right in the court of law, and in two cases the police got right. In April, three of the cases will now be assessed by the Supreme Court.

"Equal treatment is equal"

Martin Sivertsson, lawyer at the police.

Martin Sivertsson is the lawyer who represented the Police Authority in the cases.

- We feel that you have not entered a correct registration number if you add or remove characters compared to what is on the registration plate, he says.

Shouldn't the police focus on the motorists who are really trying to get rid of their liability?

- We follow the case law that says that even if you can deduct a payment for a certain car afterwards, there is no reason for removal if you have entered the wrong registration number.

"Important to get clarity"

The police have recently received criticism from the Ombudsman for ineffective handling of parking matters.

Is it fair to pursue such legal processes when there are, at the same time, motorists who have to wait several years for their cases?

- We must both shorten the processing times and ensure that the decisions we make are correct. If the courts do not then agree, it is important that both the motorists and our officers get clarity on what applies, says Ulrika Lundström, tf. Head of Department at the Police Department.

- This will result in more efficient and faster handling of cases and fewer processes.